Ultrasonic Gun & Handcuff Cleaner a Boon for Law Enforcement

The Elma E 30 H is ideally suited to the maintenance of law enforcement equipment
The Elma E 30 H is ideally suited to the maintenance of law enforcement equipment

Equipment used in law enforcement applications must be maintained for the health and safety of officers as well as suspects taken into custody. Because of its speed and thoroughness an ultrasonic cleaner is a valuable equipment maintenance tool for police stations and highway patrol barracks.

One piece of equipment used by virtually all law enforcement officers is a set of handcuffs.  Handcuffs come into direct contact with the skin of suspects and can pick up oils, dirt and hair that might harbor infectious diseases.  Handcuff construction is such that these contaminants can lodge in cracks and crevices, which means that a simple washing is unsatisfactory.  Cuffs should be given a session in an ultrasonic cleaner before officers put them back into their carrying cases.

A tabletop ultrasonic gun cleaner such as the Elma E 30 … Read the rest