Ultrasonic Cleaner Frequency and Power

Ultrasonic Cleaner Frequency and Power Header

Selecting an ultrasonic cleaner for any cleaning and sample preparation operation requires careful consideration of many factors before making a purchasing decision.  We offer useful guidelines in our post How to Pick the Best Ultrasonic Cleaner.  This post focuses on two points in particular, frequency and power. Ultrasonic frequency is relatively easy to understand; understanding power is a bit more complicated.  So let’s begin.

How to Specify Ultrasonic Frequency

Frequency is measured in thousands of cycles per second (kilohertz or kHz). 

These frequencies are generated by transducers most commonly affixed to the bottom of the cleaning tank.  Some ultrasonic units have transducers bonded to tank sides; others may have immersible transducers.

Wherever they are placed ultrasonic transducers are excited by the unit’s ultrasonic generator to produce millions of microscopic vacuum bubbles in the solution that implode on contact with parts being cleaned. 

The implosions, called cavitation, remove contamination … Read the rest

How to Use an Ultrasonic Bath to Make Liposomal Vitamin C

Header DIY Liposomal Vitamin C
Do It Yourself Liposoal C Maker Kit
An ultrasonic cleaner for making liposomal encapsulated vitamin C

Liposomal encapsulated vitamin C offers a high absorption efficiency vs. taking vitamin C pills and is much more convenient than intravenous administration.   Due to the Coronavirus pandemic there has been an increase in demand for vitamin C as a means of protection or treatment while a recent report states that demand for liposomal vitamin C has outpaced that for hand sanitizers*.  Because liposomal vitamin C has a short shelf life, this post tells you how to make it yourself using an ultrasonic bath and a beaker kit.  

Why Ultrasonic Energy Delivers Superior Liposomal Vitamin C

While it uses a benchtop ultrasonic cleaner, the process employs the power of what is called ultrasonic cavitation to encapsulate ascorbic acid within liposomes.  Encapsulation improves the bioavailability of the vitamin C in your body.

Ultrasonic processing is also preferred as a means of reducing … Read the rest

Selection Tips for Moisture Analyzers

Selection Tips for Moisture Analyzers

If you are shopping for a moisture analyzer and feel stymied by the number of choices, these moisture analyzer selection tips should help.

Moisture balance selection criteria are based on factors including:

  • Resolution or the smallest difference that can be read on the display.  This is also termed readability or readout.
  • Repeatability – the ability of a moisture balance to display the same result when the same sample is tested repeatedly.  Expressed as a standard deviation.
  • Features important to performing moisture analysis.  These are based on the characteristics of product being analyzed such as those require special heating profiles.
  • Specialized capabilities such as testing products with extremely low moisture content specs,  providing graphic displays of changing moisture content, and building libraries of frequently performed tests.

Four Candidate Moisture Analyzers

Tovatech offers several models of moisture analyzers from which researchers or QC personnel can select the most cost-effective solution to their … Read the rest

Setting Ultrasonic Cleaner Power, Frequency and Time

In addition to using the correct temperature and cleaning solution formulation, achieving optimum results in an ultrasonic cleaning operation calls for a correct “blend” of ultrasonic power, ultrasonic frequency and cleaning time.  Absent a proven recipe the three ingredients often are established through experimentation using ultrasonic cleaners that provide the flexibility to vary power, frequency and time.

Indeed, it may turn out that a fixed frequency and fixed power setting do not deliver the desired results.  Adjustable power and adjustable frequencies may be the key to optimized cleaning action thereby reducing the time needed to complete jobs and improve operation efficiency.

A Brief Brief on Ultrasonic Power and Frequency

Power in this post is defined as the electrical energy in watts per gallon of cleaning solution delivered to the transducers that provide cavitation action in the cleaner.  More power generally means faster cleaning but only to a point, beyond which … Read the rest

Use a Portable Halogen Moisture Analyzer to Save Money

The compact, portable IL 50.001 halogen moisture analyzer
The compact, portable IL 50.001 halogen moisture analyzer

If you perform moisture analysis at more than one location in your facility you’ll soon see the value in the IL 50.001 halogen moisture analyzer now available from Tovatech.  What makes it attractive is its portability – instead of buying multiple halogen moisture analyzers simply pack the IL 50.001 in its custom carrying case and take it to the test location.

Moreover, you’ll find this 50 g capacity moisture balance easy to use because programming choices have been confined to the basics – a feature that has a side benefit in terms of attractive pricing.

Superior Performance in a Halogen Moisture Analyzer

Attractive pricing is not at the “expense” of superior performance in this compact, 5-pound 120-volt moisture analyzer.  Only 6.5” wide, 11” deep and 5” high, it offers the following performance specs:

  • Readability: 0.001 g, 0.01% moisture
  • Repeatability: 0.3% (3 g
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How to Choose a Strain Gauge Load Monitor

Load monitoring devices, also called load cell sensors or tension monitors, measure the force exerted by the load on equipment, structural members or other components subjected to the load.  Electronic load and tension monitoring devices find application across a broad spectrum of industry.  One example is on construction cranes to assure the load – such as I-beams or fresh-mixed concrete – does not exceed the capacity of the crane.  Another application is measuring the strain on wires strung between pylons or insuring that structural components on aircraft are balanced and safe to fly.

Load cells such as the Straightpoint Loadlink and Radiolink equipment available from Tovatech can also be used as crane scales and thus are employed for tension monitoring and weighing.

How a Strain Gauge Load Monitor Works

Using the Straightpoint load and tension monitor and a building crane as the application, the device is positioned between two lifting … Read the rest

Residual Contaminant Analysis with Ultrasound

For residual contaminant analysis particles must be removed from the test item before the actual analysis is carried out. Ultrasound with its predefined parameters is a suitable and cost-saving method for this. After removal solid contaminants can be filtered and analyzed.  Soluble contaminants are concentrated by evaporation then analyzed.

Select 120

The right ultrasonic equipment coupled with thought-through accessories is crucial for a successful analysis. The Elmasonic Select 120 ultrasonic cleaner available from Tovatech, along with sample suspension devices, provide an ideal method for residual contaminant analysis.

Several methods are available to protect products from recontamination.  For example, parts being analyzed can be placed in glass beakers or test tubes containing a suitable solution.  These are suspended in the ultrasonic cleaner solution.  Ultrasound transmitted from liquid in the tank to the solution in the container acts on and removes the residual contaminants for subsequent analysis.

Contact the scientists at Tovatech … Read the rest

Selection Tips for a -40˚C Lab Freezer

Laboratory freezers and scientific freezers play an important role in product protection and testing.  This applies to the healthcare/pharmaceutical industry and for testing mechanical components under extreme cold temperature conditions.  Lab freezers are manufactured to operate most efficiently at specific temperatures required by research and product development personnel.

Selecting the correct scientific freezer temperature depends on several factors including government, professional association and industry standards.  That’s why Tovatech offers a wide variety of low temperature freezers such as the Nor-Lake Premier -40˚C model.

Temperatures, Costs and other Lab Freezer Specification Factors  

While “freezing” suggests 0˚C (32˚F) specifications may require much lower temperatures.  Units are designed to maintain the required temperature in the most efficient manner. The Norlake Premier NSXF221 low temperature laboratory freezer, for example, is factory set to -40˚C although operators can control settings from -30˚C.  Keep in mind that the colder the capability the more costly the freezer, … Read the rest

Portable Refrigerator/Freezer for EMS Applications

EMS and other first responder personnel working in areas suffering extended power outages can maintain medical supplies requiring refrigeration by using the compact, portable SPR-FT26 portable refrigerator/freezer unit from Tovatech.

Power is supplied from the EMS vehicle’s 12-volt DC lighter socket, a 24-volt battery source or from an AC adapter connected to 110-volt emergency generators. A wheeled travel trolley is provided to facilitate on-ground transport.Weighing less than 30 pounds the lock-equipped SPR-FT26 portable freezer/refrigerator has a capacity of 20 liters or 0.7 cubic feet and an overall size of 17”h x 21.25”w x 14.25”d.  It functions either as a refrigerator or a freezer thanks to an advanced refrigeration unit and computerized digital control system.   The unit will freeze below -18˚C in an ambient temperature of 30˚C or be set to operate as a portable refrigerator or cooler.  Personnel using the unit should confirm that the cooling or freezing temperatures are … Read the rest

Get 20% Faster Cleaning with New Industrial Ultrasonic Cleaner

Companies offering contract ultrasonic cleaning services and those using an industrial ultrasonic cleaner as part of their ongoing operations know the importance of efficiency and throughput especially when thoroughly cleaned components are critical to quality control.

A technological breakthrough in ultrasonic cleaner design has been achieved by adding a precise ± 2 cm vertical oscillation of cleaning baskets – a process that improves ultrasonic cavitation action to near perfection.  A feature of the new Flex Line of industrial ultrasonic cleaners from Tovatech, it provides 10% – 20% faster cleaning than conventional ultrasonic cleaners.  Cleaning with vertical oscillation is more thorough than static cleaning and is preferred for precision cleaning applications where small areas of residual contamination are unacceptable and reduce manufacturing yields.… Read the rest