Tovatech Blog
Sonic Cleaning Adhesive Gun and Spray Paint Nozzles
By Bob Sandor |
We sometimes get a question along the lines “Can I use a sonic cleaner to clean sprayer tips?” There’s lots of advice on the Internet for cleaning adhesive gun and spray paint nozzles. Many involve time-consuming manual cleaning and/or the use of volatile solvents such as acetone. A better way is sonic cleaning adhesive gun…
Ultrasonic Cleaning with Flammable Solvents
Cleaning with flammable solvents requires extreme caution in any case but ultrasonic cleaning with flammable solvents requires specially designed equipment and procedures. That’s because of the real danger of a fire or…
Medical Ultrasonic Cleaner Performance Validation
In its “Guideline for Disinfection and Sterilization in Healthcare Facilities” the CDC notes “Ultrasonic cleaning removes soil by cavitation and implosion in which waves of acoustic energy are propagated in aqueous solutions…
When and How to Specify an Ultra-Low Freezer
At this posting Phase 3 clinical trials are underway for COVID-19 vaccines, some of which call for an ultra-low freezer for storage and transport. Examples described in a September Wall Street Journal…
Low-Temperature and Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers for Covid-19 Vaccines
A question posed in the September 5-6, 2020, Wall Street Journal asks “do we have enough freezers?” This relates to the unusually cold storage temperatures – as low as -80⁰C – recommended…
How to Use an Ultrasonic Bath to Make Liposomal Vitamin C
How an ultrasonic cleaner is used in the process of making liposomal encapsulated vitamin C
CDC Refrigeration Guidelines for Submitting COVID-19 Specimens for Testing
While the search for a Coronavirus vaccine proceeds at full throttle a crucial issue is proper collection, labeling, storage and shipping of COVID-19 specimens to CDC laboratories for testing. Among procedures spelled…
Ultrasonic Cleaners Protect Dentists During Corona Virus Pandemic
The American Dental Association releases guideline updates on how dental technicians can protect themselves during the current Corona Virus pandemic. The ADA on March 16 encouraged dental practitioners to postpone elective procedures…
How a HPLC Digital Flow Meter Works
To support IQ, OQ and PQ HPLC systems should be regularly checked for consistency and accuracy by using a digital HPLC flowmeter.
How to Specify a Compact Medical Refrigerator
Vaccines and other pharmaceuticals should be stored in medical refrigerators designed to maintain strict temperature control and alert personnel to temperature changes.
How Ultrasonic Cleaning Brass Can Restore Gleam
Those appreciating the gleam of brass – whether fireplace andirons & tools, chandeliers, escutcheons, or antique decorative brass hardware of any description – also appreciate the work that goes into restoring and…
How to Degas Liquids with Ultrasonic Energy
Smoke damaged equipment can be restored using pressure spray cabinets and specialized ultrasonic cleaners.
How to Select an Under Counter Lab Freezer
Options to consider when purchasing undercounter lab refrigerators and freezers.