Tovatech Blog
A Comprehensive Guide to Analytical Balance Calibration
By Rachel Kohn |
Calibration is a procedure intimately associated with analytical balances. Calibration determines the relationship between the displayed value and true mass by comparison with a known mass.
Heavy Parts Degreasing with Industrial Ultrasonic Cleaners
Heavy parts degreasing engines and other heavy, complex machinery components can be accomplished quickly and effectively by cavitation action in industrial ultrasonic cleaners. This post provides guidance on the benefits of ultrasonic cleaning,…
Digital HPLC Flowmeters – An Overview
What you’ll learn in this digital HPLC flowmeters overview: Flow meters come in many sizes and find application in a wide range of industries. As examples they meter gasoline pumped into your…
Ultrasonic Cleaner Parts Boost Cleaning Efficiency
Containers and supports used to hold or suspend parts in an ultrasonic cleaner should be designed to minimize interference with the cavitation cleaning action. Here are some suggestions.
Lab Applications for Ultrasonic Cleaning Equipment
Elma – the specialists for ultrasonic technology work in close cooperation with the customers to develop new ultrasonic cleaning processes for laboratory applications, such as analyzing, sample processing and cleaning of laboratory…
Ultrasonic Cleaning with Flammable Solvents Resource
Select Your Topic of InterestHow Can I Use?Example UsesSelect the CleanerBaskets & Accessories Product OptionsSafety PrecautionsShop Cleaning with Flammable Solvent Solutions How Can I Use Flammable Solvents in an Ultrasonic Cleaner? Examples…
Ultrasonic Cleaning with Flammable Solvents
Cleaning with flammable solvents requires extreme caution in any case but ultrasonic cleaning with flammable solvents requires specially designed equipment and procedures. That’s because of the real danger of a fire or…
Medical Ultrasonic Cleaner Performance Validation
In its “Guideline for Disinfection and Sterilization in Healthcare Facilities” the CDC notes “Ultrasonic cleaning removes soil by cavitation and implosion in which waves of acoustic energy are propagated in aqueous solutions…
When and How to Specify an Ultra-Low Freezer
At this posting Phase 3 clinical trials are underway for COVID-19 vaccines, some of which call for an ultra-low freezer for storage and transport. Examples described in a September Wall Street Journal…
Low-Temperature and Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers for Covid-19 Vaccines
A question posed in the September 5-6, 2020, Wall Street Journal asks “do we have enough freezers?” This relates to the unusually cold storage temperatures – as low as -80⁰C – recommended…
How to Use an Ultrasonic Bath to Make Liposomal Vitamin C
How an ultrasonic cleaner is used in the process of making liposomal encapsulated vitamin C
CDC Refrigeration Guidelines for Submitting COVID-19 Specimens for Testing
While the search for a Coronavirus vaccine proceeds at full throttle a crucial issue is proper collection, labeling, storage and shipping of COVID-19 specimens to CDC laboratories for testing. Among procedures spelled…
Ultrasonic Cleaners Protect Dentists During Corona Virus Pandemic
The American Dental Association releases guideline updates on how dental technicians can protect themselves during the current Corona Virus pandemic. It also refers dentists to conform to CDC guidelines for sterilizing and disinfecting…