Time to Upgrade your Vaccine Refrigerator?

Flu vaccines must be properly refrigerated
Flu vaccines must be properly refrigerated

As of October 2013 predictions on the severity of the 2013-2014 flu season have not firmed according to the CDC, which notes on its website “Although epidemics of flu happen every year, the timing, severity, and length of the season varies from one year to another.”  The CDC also states that flu activity commonly peaks in the U.S. in January or February but can run from October to May.*

While timing, strains and severity are of concern to everyone, dispensers of flu shots must continually evaluate the performance of their vaccine refrigerators and vaccine freezers to be certain that they comply with CDC vaccine storage recommendations.  This is especially important if you participate in the vaccines for children (VFC) program.  To finance vaccine refrigeration upgrades check your remaining budget for 2013 or include it in the 2014 budget.

Key Points for Proper Vaccine Storage

Vaccine manufacturers provide detailed information on proper storage in refrigerators or freezers.  Vaccine expiration dates are included and as such should be considered in your facility’s vaccine storage operating procedures.

Aside from awareness of expiration dates there are three key points for storing flu vaccine:

  1. Storage temperature
  2. Alarming for high or low temperature excursions
  3. Temperature monitoring and record keeping

These points eliminate the use of household or commercial-grade restaurant and supermarket refrigerators and freezers.   Scientific refrigerators and freezers are designed to provide correct storage temperatures.  If need be these can be brought into compliance by using optional monitoring and recording equipment, and by establishing rules in your clinic that prohibit, among other things, on-door storage of vaccines.

Vaccine Storage Compliance Options

Healthcare clinics and other dispensers of flu vaccines updating their equipment to qualify for the VFC program have a number of options.   At the outset you should estimate the number of dosages administered over a period of time against vaccine expiration dates.  This lets you calculate vaccine storage requirements.  With that information you can determine the size of your new vaccine refrigeration equipment.

Healthcare clinics with equipment that must be brought into compliance with CDC guidelines have a number of options relating to vaccine storage, monitoring and alarming systems.

CDC vaccine storage guidelines and additional recommendations on compliance provide a current overview for clinics looking to upgrade their refrigeration and freezing equipment.

If you are planning to purchase or upgrade your vaccine freezing and refrigerating equipment please contact the scientists at Tovatech for recommendations.  We represent several suppliers and are able to offer an unbiased opinion on the equipment that best fits your requirements.

*What You Should Know for the 2013-2014 Influenza Season

About Rachel Kohn

So how did an MIT Ph.D. end up selling refrigerators? When I figured out that a lot more scientists buy lab refrigerators than innovative leading-edge instruments. I hope that my many years of lab experience will help you find the right equipment for your work. Before co-founding Tovatech I worked in business development and project management at Smiths Detection, Photon-X, Cardinal Health, and Hoechst Celanese. And before that I spent 12 years as an R&D chemist at Hoechst Celanese and Aventis working on advanced drug delivery systems, polymer films and membranes, optical disks, and polysaccharides. Some day, eventually, I’ll make enough money to develop an innovative technology that will change the world. Read More