How to use a Counting Scale System for Large Quantities

The KERN CDEE Counting Scale System

When large quantities of small or lightweight pieces are being packaged for market accurate inventory control and accurate billing depend on highly accurate counting scale systems.  In such cases connecting a precision reference scale to a platform scale gives an extremely high degree of weighing and counting accuracy even when individual pieces weigh as little as 0.002 gram.    

That is the precision realized by the Kern CDEE piece counting system available from Tovatech.  It consists of a CDE digital platform balance available in capacities from 35 to 150 kg (77 to 300 pounds) connected by an interface cable to a Kern CME reference balance offered in capacities from 100 to 3000 grams (3.5 oz to 6.6 pounds).  The readout for both models depends on the maximum weighing range but is as low as 1 gram for the platform balance and 0.001 gram for the reference balance.   This versatile combination … Read the rest

How to Use a Moisture Analyzer for Dry Bulk Powders

The moisture content of virtually any product on the market has a bearing on the product’s quality, shelf life and a host of other considerations.   Ideal moisture content varies, of course, with the product under consideration.  Ideal moisture content is determined by and in some cases governed by industry associations and regulatory authorities.  Proof of compliance is eased when a moisture analyzer is employed on a regular basis as batches are prepared for packaging, whatever the product, and records are kept.

Moisture analyzers such as the Kern models offered by Tovatech operate on the thermogravimetric principle using halogen heaters in combination with an analytical balance to precisely determine the percentage of moisture in a sample during a programmed testing cycle.  Simply stated the sample is weighed before moisture analysis begins, and after the cycle is completed. The loss in weight is the moisture content.

Let’s Take Cement as an ExampleRead the rest

Ultrasonic Gun & Handcuff Cleaner a Boon for Law Enforcement

The Elma E 30 H is ideally suited to the maintenance of law enforcement equipment
The Elma E 30 H is ideally suited to the maintenance of law enforcement equipment

Equipment used in law enforcement applications must be maintained for the health and safety of officers as well as suspects taken into custody. Because of its speed and thoroughness an ultrasonic cleaner is a valuable equipment maintenance tool for police stations and highway patrol barracks.

One piece of equipment used by virtually all law enforcement officers is a set of handcuffs.  Handcuffs come into direct contact with the skin of suspects and can pick up oils, dirt and hair that might harbor infectious diseases.  Handcuff construction is such that these contaminants can lodge in cracks and crevices, which means that a simple washing is unsatisfactory.  Cuffs should be given a session in an ultrasonic cleaner before officers put them back into their carrying cases.

A tabletop ultrasonic gun cleaner such as the Elma E 30 … Read the rest

How to Choose a Laboratory Incubator

Laboratory incubators used in microbiology laboratories and other research and development applications provide an environment for growing cultures under controlled conditions such as humidity, temperature, and CO2.   Several regulations apply to operating a laboratory incubator so it is important to be certain that the laboratory equipment you buy is designed to meet your particular requirements.

Experts suggest that even before purchasing a laboratory incubator you should first consider what it will be used for and where it will be located.  So instead of buying an incubator and then trying to make it fit your process or needs, turn the procedure around.  This makes sense not only for assuring proper performance; it helps you pick a model that is most cost-effective for your needs.… Read the rest

A Primer on Precision Scale Calibration and Test Weights

Precision digital scales and analytical balances must be recalibrated for accuracy to be in compliance with international standards and to maintain good laboratory practices.  Analytical balances such as the Kern ABJ series can be recalibrated using internal motor-driven weights.  The internal calibration sequence is initiated manually.  Semi-micro analytical balances such as the Kern ABT series automatically recalibrate using internal weights under four scenarios:  1) Four hours after the previous calibration; 2) When there is a fluctuation in temperature of 0.5oC (0.9oF); 3) When the balance is switched from standby to weighing mode and condition (1) or (2) has been met or 4) If the balance was disconnected from its power source.

Other scales require external recalibration, which is performed by using test weights under procedures that should be spelled out in your company’s Quality Management manual.… Read the rest

Get the Most from Your Moisture Analyzer

The slang phrase “you’re all wet” is generally not taken as a compliment – signifying instead that “you are wrong.”   Wetness can also be wrongness when too much moisture is contained in products such as plastics, fabrics and wood chips. Laws define the maximum moisture content in applications including food processing and pharmaceutical manufacturing. Correct moisture content positively impacts processing results and overall product quality across a wide range of industries.… Read the rest

How to Connect Your HPLC Flow Meter to a PC

Accurate HPLC flow rate records not only indicate GMP but are crucial when the FDA comes to call. Digital liquid flow meters such as the FlowCal 5000 support FDA compliance for IQ, QQ and PQ validations in calibrating HPLC pump flow rates.  Connecting these meters to a PC with an RS-232 interface transfers flow meter readings into Excel via the Windows HyperTerminal program.  It is a three-step process whereby data are collected and displayed using HyperTerminl.exe, copied on a clipboard and pasted into Excel for analysis.

Before starting on this project be sure the flow meter is off, otherwise you risk damage to the RS-232 and/or the PC or printer.  Then follow these steps:… Read the rest