Ultrasonic Cleaner Maintenance: 4 Key Tips

Ultrasonic Cleaner Maintenance

What maintenance procedures does your company follow to get the best performance and life from your ultrasonic cleaners? What kind of wear and tear have you seen on your ultrasonic tank? Do you use a parts basket?

HPLC Flow Meter Cleaning Tips

HPLC Flow Meter Cleaning Tips

Fast, accurate calibration of flow rates used in HPLC flow systems can be compromised if the flow meter is not maintained. Here are some maintenance tips.

Ultrasonic Cleaner Degas: Why it’s Important

Ultrasonic Cleaner Degas

Degassing fresh ultrasonic cleaning solutions in Degas mode allows normal cleaning operations to start within 10 minutes rather than the 30 minutes that may be required by using ultrasonic cleaning action to accomplish degassing.

Medical Ultrasonic Cleaner Performance Validation


In its “Guideline for Disinfection and Sterilization in Healthcare Facilities” the CDC notes “Ultrasonic cleaning removes soil by cavitation and implosion in which waves of acoustic energy are propagated in aqueous solutions to disrupt the bonds that hold particulate matter to surfaces.” Sub-par performance of a medical ultrasonic cleaner could lead to trouble.  That’s because…

Choosing a Moisture Analyzer for Sludge Dewatering  Operations

Moisture Analyzer for QC in Sludge Dewatering Operations

Host sewage treatment plants discharge biosolids called cake containing 70 to 80% water. The balance represents nutrient-rich organic material that thanks to modern processing techniques has value both as a fuel and as a biologically inert, odor- and disease-free product for blending in soil composts.

Why Moisture Content Matters

Benchtop halogen moisture analyzers are excellent quality control tools to determine that bulk drying ovens are operating properly. Testing is quick and simple to accomplish.