Posts Tagged ‘Operation and Maintenance’
Specifying Tips for Industrial Ultrasonic Cleaners
First of all, for the purpose of this post let’s define an industrial ultrasonic cleaner. Most simply they are floor mounted or wheel mounted when compared with tabletop ultrasonic cleaners. Basic ultrasonic cleaning technology is the same. The size of the parts being cleaned is high on the list of specification criteria, but also important are the steps employed to achieve the desired level of cleanliness. An example of where an industrial unit might be called for is our post on cleaning vehicle transmissions.
Cleaning Tank Size
Ultrasonic cleaning tank size is governed by the part or parts being cleaned. This also determines the amount of ultrasonic cleaning solution required to fill the tank – allowing for displacement due to parts being cleaned.
Tank size must take into account working depth to assure that parts being … Read the rest
Hot Weather Precautions for Laboratory Refrigerators
Unprecedented heat waves across much of the country place strains on laboratory refrigerators and laboratory freezers even if they are in air conditioned research labs and medical facilities. Power cutbacks and power failures due to excessive strain on the power grid and electrical storms should be anticipated by lab personnel. Provision should be made to protect costly or rare biological samples, vaccines, and other temperature-sensitive pharmaceuticals and products.
10 Tips on Proper Lab Fridge and Lab Freezer Operation
Your organization should have standard operating procedures for stocking and maintaining laboratory refrigerators and freezers. These are especially important when atmospheric conditions could lead to sub-par performance. Here are some useful tips to help ensure content protection in medical grade refrigerators and freezers during the dog days of summer. Or anytime for that matter. They are not listed in order of importance because all are important.
- Minimize access to the units. Every
How to Calibrate a Moisture Balance
Laboratory-scale moisture analyzers use halogen or infrared heaters as part of a procedure to determine moisture content in products to ensure they are in compliance with federal or industry regulations. As with all precision analytical scales and balances accuracy is a paramount requirement for a moisture analyzer.
In the case of moisture analyzers, two calibration processes must be performed: one for weighing accuracy and one for temperature accuracy.
Why Moisture Analyzers Must be Calibrated
It takes very little in the way of disturbances to impact the accuracy of a moisture analyzer balance. For example, the effect of gravity is not the same everywhere on Earth, meaning that newly purchased analyzers must be calibrated on location before being used.
Moreover, changing environmental conditions in the laboratory or wherever moisture analyzers are used can impact accuracy, as can moving a unit to another location, even if it’s only to another worktable. The … Read the rest
How to Prepare a Sample for a Moisture Analyzer
Moisture content in a wide variety of products is an essential indicator of product quality – so essential that in many cases moisture content is regulated by government authorities. Google “moisture content regulations” and see for yourself. A useful if not essential tool to comply with these regulations is a moisture analyzer or moisture balance.
Elegant in design and simple in principle, a moisture analyzer replaces cumbersome drying ovens with a halogen heater mounted on a precision scale. The difference in sample weight before and after drying determines the moisture content of what is being tested. But while the principle is simple, correctly operating a moisture balance requires careful sample preparation and programming consistent with the product being analyzed.… Read the rest
Get the Most from Your Moisture Analyzer
The slang phrase “you’re all wet” is generally not taken as a compliment – signifying instead that “you are wrong.” Wetness can also be wrongness when too much moisture is contained in products such as plastics, fabrics and wood chips. Laws define the maximum moisture content in applications including food processing and pharmaceutical manufacturing. Correct moisture content positively impacts processing results and overall product quality across a wide range of industries.… Read the rest